We live in a rather strange and frightening financial climate. The world is clamoring for new businesses and new ideas to improve worldwide economic performance while at the same time, contractions in the financial markets make it more and more difficult for early companies to raise the capital they need to develop and grow.

Chenango Capital was created in the midst of this economic turmoil with one primary purpose: to provide the critical, early stage capital that all promising young growth companies simply must have to survive and prosper.

We are early stage investment specialists. We understand the challenges you are facing. We recognize that the most precious resource you have is your time, so we are committed to providing quick, constructive feedback to every company that approaches us for funding. We may only fund a small number of the deals we see, but it is our goal to make sure that every company that is turned away understands why they were turned away, so they can learn from the process and successfully attract capital from another source.

If we can’t fund you, we will tell you why and do all we can to steer you towards alternative sources of capital.