Chenango Capital is looking for the most promising early stage investment opportunities that present the greatest chance of generating significant rewards to our limited partner investors. It is our hope that we will see deals that come from the Colgate University alumni body, but not being affiliated with Colgate is no impediment to receiving financing from Chenango Capital.

Many venture firms choose to focus their efforts by investing only in narrowly-defined industries or sectors. At Chenango Capital we believe that the challenges of growing an early stage company are similar across many different industries. Our group of four general partners has a diverse knowledge and experience base, so we know the questions that need to be asked. When needed, we will supplement our personal expertise with technical advisors who can advise us with scientific and technical information. It is our experience that the business issues, not the scientific ones, are the most critical determinants of whether a company will succeed or not.

Because we are sector-agnostic, we expect that our investments will be concentrated in the areas that are experiencing the greatest change and interest at this time. It is extremely likely that we will make investments in biotechnology, medical devices and other life sciences companies, information technology, green technologies, clean energy and materials, for example. If your business is not in one of these areas – don’t worry! We are looking for great teams with creative ideas to build terrific companies in almost any industry or market.

Although we are open to investing in any company with a compelling business plan, we have determined that this fund will avoid investments in mining, oil and gas, real estate and retail establishments. If you have a plan that falls into one of these categories, we suggest that you seek out a venture capital firm that specializes in your area.